So, as my Grandma told the story to
me many, many years ago, this is how our family wreath business was born.
After I met your Grandpa in England during WWI, we moved to America and, because the people in New York told us that there were many Norwegians living in Minnesota, we moved to St. Paul. Our small family had a hard 'go of it' during the Great Depression as did all of our friends. However, each Christmas I loved making a nice wreath and hanging it on our front door; it always reminded me of my own mother so many years before.
One year when your father [John Victor Mickman] was about 12 years old, he came home from school and saw my nice wreath on the front door. He wanted to buy a Christmas present for me, and had an idea that maybe he could sell that wreath down the street to someone. Well, that is just what he did. He walked down Summit Avenue where all the rich people lived, until someone purchased this wreath. [My dad said it was James J. Hill's daughter, founders of the Great Northern Railroad, that purchased this first wreath.]
With his newly earned money, your dad went to a store and purchased a lovely set of porcelain figurines - the set that I have on my bedroom bureau. The sales clerk was kind enough to wrap this gift for your dad, and he came home and presented it to me. Well, I knew your dad didn't have ANY money and I pinched his ear until he told me how he got the money to pay for the present. He finally confessed that he had taken our wreath off of the front door and sold it down on Summit Ave. I couldn't imagine that anyone would want to pay money for such a thing, and asked your dad if he thought he could sell any more. He said he thought he could sell as many as I could make!
So, your Grandpa, your dad and I gathered as many boughs as we could and I made wreaths out of all the boughs we could find. Your dad was able to sell these wreaths as fast as I made them, and he sold every single one - we didn't even have a wreath on our own door that year [of 1934]."
Years later our dad, John
Victor Mickman (a WWII veteran), started his own wreath business to help him
earn money while attending the University of Minnesota. His full time career
was as an aeronautical engineer at Honeywell, but he continued his wreath
business until his retirement in the 1970’s. He also began a Christmas tree
business which was a nice compliment to his wreath business.
In 1977, brother Chris and I
started our own Christmas Wreath Fundraising Business after dad sold us his
15,000 wreath sales customer list. Our wreath company has grown to one of the
largest in the country and since 1977, our fundraising customers have earned in
excess of $75,000,000 to fund their activities!
We are proud of our heritage and look forward to
‘Wreath Season’ each and every year. But for me, Christmas would not be
complete without working in this family business as I have done since I was 6
years old. Now my son John C. and daughter Mariah work in our company as they
have done each year since they were 6 years old. My hope is that they will
continue this heritage so that their children have the same opportunity.
John S. Mickman