Thursday, August 15, 2013

A Visit from St. Mick - Boy Scout Troop - Wreath Fundraiser

A Visit from St. Mick

'Twas the months before Christmas, when all through the troop
No scouts were stirring, or adults from the group;
The tents and canoes had all been stowed with care,
In hopes that next season soon would be there;
The boy scouts were nestled all snug in their cots,
Dreaming of camping trips, and the tying of knots.

But alas, as the plans for next season are made,
The treasurer’s report casts a pallor shade.
“If the coffers stay bare,” he quite frankly states,
“There’ll be no funds for camping, or food for scout plates.
We must raise some money! Wreath sales I say!
Remember Mickman’s last year? Wow, did it pay!”

The Fundraising chair then perked up and said,
“Yes! Mickman’s! Let’s do it! We’ll come out ahead!
Their quality topped our old vendor with ease,
Fresher, more fragrant, from the finest of trees!
And their customer service, responsive and fast!
A chairperson’s dream, come true, at long last.”

“We can order on line, and their website’s just great,
And delivery, on time, and we pick the date!
The guide that they sent us, organized and bound,
Makes fundraising easy, you can’t run aground!
From the sales tools, beautifully printed, (and free)
To the spreadsheet, so I can track everything key.”

Then the Scoutmaster spoke with an air of relief.
“The decision’s been made! 3 cheers for the wreath!”
So Mickman’s it was our 3rd year in a row;
Our customers happier, our troop in the dough.
And that is how Troop 424 remained solvent, and right;
Thanks to Mickman's this fall, and to all a good night.

Troop 424 during their Holiday Fundraiser!

Testimonial submitted by Rob S., chairperson for Troop 424. 

Thank you, Rob and Boy Scout Troop 424, for choosing Mickman Brothers Holiday Wreath Fundraiser!  We wish you continued success and look forward to working with you during the upcoming fundraising season!